so with the big move coming up in a few weeks....i have houses on the brain....and our new place in STL is lacking something very essential to surprised the mailman knows where to deliver the mail, seeing as how the mailbox is rusted through and the house number is simply printed on a piece of paper and taped to the box....classy :-)

so i found
this DIY house number demo on design sponge...and was inspired to hunt down mismatch house numbers of my own at my local hardware store....

for my signage, i spray painted a metal decorative sign that I found on Hobby Lobby clearance....something like this one below.....(and yes, I felt much joy spray painting over the corny saying)

i also spray painted my mismatch house sign was black, and my numbers varied in colors....white, my favorite Krylon green, red, brown, etc....

heres a close up of one of my green numbers....the number was originally black, so i loved how with just one coat of paint, the texture and blackness still shone through....

this number was first sprayed white, then while it was still wet, I sprayed red created this fun fusion of red and white...paired with the texture of the plastic coating...i love it! and it ties in
my fire engine red porch light too!

our apartment is one of many, so a letter was an essential part of our house number (thats the white portion that you see below)....and take my word for it, "house letters" dont this was a decorative metal letter from Hobby Lobby ( i used my coupon!)...i sprayed it white, then rubbed brown acrylic around the edges....

after everything was painted, i used a little Gorilla Glue to secure things in place....placing a few encyclopedias on top of the sign for about 30 minutes.... once dry, i took some teal paint and rubbed it along the outside in love with our new, eclectic house numbers!
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